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"Hearing Birds Twittering Everywhere"— — is the second sentence of the <Sping Morning>


Tang dynasty-- Meng Hao-ran <Spring Morning>

Spring morning arrives unnoticed in my slumber,
Till I hear birds twittering everywhere.
It springs to mind a storm raged through overnight,
Off it blew how many flowers I wonder?


This is the most well-known peom in Chinese, almost every kid can recite it.

This picture book collects 100 famous peom like <Spring Morning>  , the paintings reflect the words, leading you to the elegant scenery. And with the music composed by Chen Chung-sheng, you can also hear the tranquil beauty origins from Chinese poem.


精選100首唐詩,以幽雅的插畫將詩詞的文字圖像化, 由專家呂榮華製作,特邀國內音樂名家陳中申編曲,製作成合唱、教唱等CD。讓孩子輕輕鬆鬆學會古詩吟唱,增進生活情趣。


信誼基金出版社 出版發行 

處處聞啼鳥(附CD*2)Hearing Birds Twittering Everywhere

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